
"These are O.R. scrubs..."

Day 104

First of all, just because I know you're all thinking it...

"...Oh, are they?"

Do you feel better now? I do : ) That's honestly the only thing I remember about this movie from when it was advertised on television. Frankly, at the time, I'm not even sure I recognized the man in scrubs to be Luke Wilson.

But as is so often the case with Wes Anderson's films, the dialogue in Rushmore is just rampantly fantastic.

However, I'd have to say this movie strikes me as perhaps the least accessible of Mr. Anderson's work. I'm not really even sure why, other than that I guess you just know things are rather ill-fated from the start. Surely nothing could ever fully live up to the ideals of Max Fischer, and it's sometimes a little rough to watch things fall through. I guess that's just how that whole coming-of-age-thing goes, though...

Speaking of rough, Mr. Murray can play a broken-down man like no one's business. It's impressive, to say the least. And it's just inexplicably endearing. Something about his eyes...(Also, in half-assedly researching for this blog entry, I found that Mr. Murray shares a birthday with Mr. Wilson, wouldntchaknow...)

Really all of the characters in this film are incredibly endearing...save for the Blume twins.

Truly I apologize for the lackluster blog entry here, but words honestly fail me in talking about this movie. If someone asked me, "What's that one about?" I'm not even sure I'd know how to answer.

Maybe I'd just say, "Best play ever, man." But more likely, I'd just tell you to see it for yourself. Truly, as with most great movies, I like this one more and more everytime I watch it.

Mere's Official Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Surely there's a Sandwich Connoisseurs club in there somewhere...

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