
"What if you're trying to be something you are?"

Legally Blonde
Day 252

First of all, I've really got to start writing these reviews closer to the time I actually watch these movies! It's going on a couple weeks now since I've watched this one, and though I'd seen it before, I found myself pleasantly surprised, as I'd all but forgotten that it's really quite a great flick.

Sure, it's a little silly, but it's also quite witty and very entertaining. Also entertaining was seeing Matthew Davis--aka VD's Alaric--as the evil ex-boyfriend, Warner. Definitely didn't remember that...

Serendipitously, this movie also happened to pop up in the Merethon just in time for Liz's last day as an L1 (Congrats again, Ms Lizzy!) Especially entertaining was the subsequent drinking-game for every law school or legal jargon inaccuracy. :) We learned a good deal!

We also concluded that CULA is not a real school, and that, for being in the 2000s, some of those outfits looked suspiciously mid-90s... I think we also definitely agreed that the whole "bend & snap" sequence is all a bit much. That scene really just deteriorates pretty quickly.

That aside, though, this movie is pretty much great! Good for a laugh, good for a girls'-night-in. Frankly, it's just good, clean fun.

I've not yet seen the sequel, but luckily, Mr. Wilson awaits us there, too...

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 4 out of 5 stars (an extra star for being surprisingly better than I remembered!)
Sandwiches permitted only with proper documentation (Stuewe v. Collins. 381 U.S. 436 (2011).


  1. As for Stuewe v. Collins, I think we all remember how that turned out! (Sandwiches for everyone!)

  2. I always feel guilty for loving this movie, but it really is good for a laugh. Elle Woods buying a laptop in her playboy bunny costume is beyond amusing.
