
"The only thing I've learned so far is that crime does not pay."

Day 13:
Bottle Rocket (full-length)

Thanks to the helpful advice of the always friendly people at AT&T, I learned that a faulty power cord was actually to blame for my "defective" modem. Two phone calls, one trip to the AT&T store, ten whole dollars and one brand new power cord later, my modem is good as new and we are back in business!!

I halfway think maybe even my modem could tell how anxious I was about reviewing this particular movie. Like it was trying to buy me some more time to get my thoughts together. I just have this horrible, unsettling feeling that my modest writing/analytical skills won't--nay, cannot--do this movie justice! (Even the opening title and accompanying sound effect just seem...iconic!) And I hate that, at worst, my attempt to write about this film might turn someone off from ever watching it! Terrible!!

That being said, in the immortal words of Levar Burton, "don't take my word for it!" Really, just watch the movie! And then definitely watch it again.

I honestly remember nothing about the first time I watched this movie. I can't even say whether I liked it! Granted I was younger and dumber then. Not the intelligent, interesting, discerning media consumer that I am now...or something. At any rate, I can tell you that I love this movie more and more each time I watch it.

I just think there's a lot going on that might have made it hard to digest the first go around. I feel like I notice something new every time I watch it. It also moves especially quickly at the beginning. And on top of that, the two main characters, Anthony and Dignan, literally talk simultaneously half the time.

Once you are finally able to take it all in, though, the dialogue does not disappoint. Even better than in the short film, it is enormously entertaining and has quickly infiltrated my everyday conversations. The subtle humor, the dialogue that takes place just off screen--I love all of it.

I've taken two whole film classes my entire life, so please forgive that I can't adequately express why, but, the photography that makes up this film, the cuts that transition the story from scene to scene, I find them nothing short of awesome. How the dialogue leads meaningfully between cuts, as though to add an additional level of comedic timing. And Anderson's constant use of that close-up shot-- it seems so much more effective than it has any right to! Brilliant.

Now, Luke Wilson's character, Anthony Adams, is easily in the top 3 on Meredith's list of All-time Favorite Luke Wilson Characters. (No, I don't actually have like, a tangible list that I carry around!) He represents the voice of reason and logic in this movie, but also the voice of loyalty and friendship. You just can't blame him for humoring Dignan. I can't, anyway.

Dignan's energy throughout is just contagious. He's endearing, though surely exhausting. Even when he's down, it's never long before he's begun his next plan. I'd definitely give him "the spirit award" in this movie. "Say what you will about him, he's no cynic and he's no quitter..." He and Bob Maplethorpe surely alternate between the top two spots on my list of favorite Wes Anderson characters. (Ok, Kumar is definitely up there, too. Damn, I love this movie!)

I can't help but love the bilingual love story, as well. Inez is adorable as the "little girl from Paraguay." And speaking of little girls, I love, love, love Grace. I sort of wish every older brother had a little sister like Grace.

And let us not forget the soundtrack!! As with any Wes Anderson movie, the music is so much a part of the movie, it may well be a character itself. It is essential and highly successful in setting much of the mood for the movie. I personally love the Proclaimer's track. And "2000 Man" at the end!! Yes!

Well, if I've now convinced even just one person out there to give Bottle Rocket a first or second chance, then this whole blog will have been worth it. (Man, if nothing else, just do it for the scene with Dignan on the motorbike. I literally laugh out loud every time!)

Suffice it to say, I really, really love this movie.

But there's still much more to come as the Mere-thon continues! "Here are just a few of the key ingredients: dynamite, pole vaulting, laughing gas, choppers - can you see how incredible this is going to be? - hang gliding! Come on!"

MERE'S OFFICAL RATING: "6" out of 5 stars.
Fact: my favorite. By far.

Up next...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent recommendation. I shall try it again! Soon! :)
