
"He's in a spiritual wheelchair?"

Day 202


Why yes, I did find the movie poster in Spanish this time...

Ok, I've broken precedence once again and used a quote from a character other than Luke Wilson's from this film. Mostly because, as Jenna so aptly pointed out about 3/4 of the way through Committed, "I really like all the characters in this movie with the exception of Luke Wilson's."

The supporting cast truly makes this movie. They certainly provide the comic relief, if nothing else. Even creepy Casey Affleck (from whose character the title quote is taken and from whom most of the film's top quotes come) is quite entertaining, despite still being his usual, creepy self...

Now, I realize that we've finally made it out of the 90's, but this movie sure feels very much like a throw-back. Definitely on an aesthetic level, and perhaps also by fault of that whole "quest for spirituality" plot, too. There's just something so "90's" about all that...getting lost in the desert and what not.

In any case, I have to admit I enjoyed it. Heather Graham is not my favorite actress, but she's not terrible. And lucky for her, I think the plot and supporting cast were enough to, well, support her and keep the movie watchable.

I really didn't know how it was going to end either. It wasn't completely predictable and contrived. As Jenna also commented, "It comes full circle."

We also both thought writer/director, Lisa Krueger sounded familiar for some reason, but aside from Committed, she's only written and directed two other films, both of which I've never seen or heard of, and produced nothing else (according to Imdb.com) since Committed...However, after scouring the internet a little more, (Imdb fail!) I think she sounds pretty badass and could easily make more of these quirky little films with the best of them. I sort of hope she does, even...

Anyways, I enjoyed this film and definitely think it's worth a look. It's not too heavy, but not entirely soulless either. I mean, it's even got the lead singer of Everclear!

Alright. That's all I've got. Feel free to comment at will, JennaAnn!

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 3 out of 5 stars
A caution regarding sandwiches: Heather Graham's nasty hair will likely make you lose your appetite...

Pretty sure I'm going to have to start doing this more than once a month if I plan to finish in time....

Up next...
Bad Seed

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