
"Jonathon?! That's your name?!"

Day 212
Bad Seed

Well, that'll teach us to get our hopes up about an obscure Luke Wilson movie...

Bad Seed really sounded like it had potential. Like it might be scary, or thrilling. It was really just scary-bad. I think we each ranked it as being among the top 5 worst movies we've ever seen. Ever!! (My apologies to Liz for this being your first introduction to a Merethon screening :)

Truly even Dog Park suddenly seems loveable in the wake of this film. It was like a bad Lifetime movie. And that's coming from a woman who actually enjoys a lot of bad Lifetime movies. It was like a Lifetime movie reject, with "a lot of dead fish. Like--a lot..."

It also seemed to add proof to my theory that Mr. Wilson finds a reason in nearly eeevery film to say "Jeee-sus Christ!" at least once. Every time, with that same crazed intensity in his eyes mirroring the exasperated inflection of this decidedly favorite phrase....

If Kill the Man was the film to make this entire blog worthwhile, then Bad Seed is certainly (so far) the movie that almost makes me sorry to have undertaken this "merethon" at all. I can only hope that we've hit rock bottom here, folks. I hate to tempt fate, but surely it can't get worse than this.

I have to say, though, we did have a pretty great time adding our Mystery Science Theatre-esque commentary throughout. It at least gives you something to do while you're waiting for the movie to just end already! (Please dear gaawd, end!) Oh, but you haaaave to see the ending. Really, really. It's, um, totally worth it...?

Hahah, no. It's not. But if you're going to actually attempt to watch the film, (god knows why), you've really got to hold out for the ending. At least for the "special effects."

Ohh, and don't blink or you might miss the 5 second-long role of Andrew Wilson as "Police Officer."

MERE'S OFFICAL RATING: None. No stars for you. Just terrible!
Sandwiches strongly discouraged. I mean, really, one look at those fish....

Up next...
Charlie's Angels

1 comment:

  1. SO. BAD. I WILL NEVER RECOVER. Damn you, Luke Wilson, for sucking us in with your alluring title and proceeding to make a movie that has NOTHING TO DO WITH said title. Potent, psychological thriller my ass.
