
[Bob Dylan mumbling incoherently...]

Day 322
Masked and Anonymous

I debated trying to watch this movie again, and finally decided that life is too short and I just don't want to. I fell asleep the first time and I don't hold out too much hope for a second attempt.

In my opinion, this movie could be more aptly titled "Rambling and Incoherent."

I understood very little of what was happening or why. Perhaps I'm just too low-brow and simple, but I didn't get it. I not entirely sure there was even anything to "get."

The only real point of entertainment for me came in the form of Val Kilmer's character rambling on about animals, or something.

In any case, I would liken this movie experience to being cornered on Mass. Street by a "crazy person," subjected to their rambling observations for a couple hours, and emerging no more enlightened or fulfilled for any of it.

It's no secret that I'm not Bob Dylan's biggest fan, but I certainly can't say with any sort of authority that his presence or influence truly hurt or helped this film. For all I know, maybe it could have benefited from having more of his influence, but I would bet not...

All I can say is that I think it's just a mess. Period. And not in any good, interesting or useful way.

Normally in this blog, I do not defer to the opinions of established critics, nor do I normally even read any reviews of the films I blog about. However, after attempting to write this review, I happened to read Roger Ebert's review, and cannot help but want to share. The man was dead-on in my book.

Ohhh well. At least I found the poster in Spanish again...

Let the Merethon move on.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  No stars for you, Bobby. 
Definitely killed my appetite....

Up next...
Old School
(apparently Mr. Wilson also needed something a little more low-brow after this one, too!)

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