
"No, that's not Sean Connery!"

Day 331
Legally Blonde 2:  Red, White and Blonde

Ok, where do I begin?

This movie was dis-a-ppointing. Perhaps having any positive expectations at all was where I went wrong...I wasn't sure I was even going to make it through the first 10 minutes. Luckily for all of us, it did improve, but not much.

Though quite similar in plot line and characters, Red, White and Blonde seemed to lack much of the wit and charm that made the first movie so entertaining. Basically, the shtick is up: she's blonde, she's unconventional, and she's in a sorority. Got it.
We also see Mr. Wilson's 'Emmett' become even more the goofy, supportive boyfriend that continually looks on with pride, sappily nodding while Elle gets things done. I'm pretty sure the screenplay directions must constantly say, "From back of room, look towards Elle while smiling proudly. Nod. Repeat. (Clap, if appropriate.)" I guess he's hard to dislike, but in the sense of like a really pretty, very supportive house plant, or something....

I don't think you're missing much if you stopped after the first film. If anything, I think this sequel just serves to highlight the better qualities of its predecessor. As in, 'Hey, remember when that was funnier in the first movie?'

And furthermore, staging a "Million Dog March" seems mildly insensitive, at best. It got a questioning, slanty-eyed head-shake from this lady, anyways.

But the pink suit and hat is undeniably killer.

And there was Bob Newhart. And 'Marcee' from Jerry Maguire! Damn, I loved that movie...

In any case, all involved should take some consolation in the fact that, if the first one hadn't been so good, this second effort wouldn't have been quite so dissatisfying in comparison. So, hey, 1 for 2.
Oh, but I'm 100% sold on the '"Snap Cup."

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  2 out of 5 stars
The testing of sandwich products on animals remains strictly prohibited.  ("Regulations, Created Solely for Sandwich Scale." Code of Federal Regulations Title 660, Pt. 46. 8, 2011)

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Around the World in 80 Days

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