
With minutes to spare....

Last one! Get excited!!

Day 365
Death at a Funeral

I was very skeptical when I first heard someone was remaking this movie. As a big fan of Mr. Oz's original film, I wasn't sure how it would survive being moved to a different country, a different culture.

I was very pleasantly surprised, amazed, honestly, at how seamlessly it was adapted to the setting of an African-American family.

That they were able to keep Peter Dinklage in the cast was perfect, as was the casting of Chris Rock. In my opinion, James Marsden nearly steals the show, but truly all of the casting is just right-on.

I'd really like to write something intelligent here about how we're all more alike than we are different, but that the differences are what make life so interesting and fun and difficult, but it's nearly midnight and frankly I'm exhausted...

Suffice it to say, I think this movie is excellent. It stands on its own, but it pairs perfectly with its predecessor, despite the ocean between them.

Such a clever, funny story that still remains meaningful and touching. I highly recommend you check it out.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  4 out of 5 stars
Sandwiches for everyone. Have a party, because....


Thanks for playing. You've been just wonderful. Stay tuned for great(er) things to come!

Oh, and happy birthday to you, Mr. Wilson.

Meredith, out.

"This is the world wide web, dumbass."

Day 365
Middle Men

For a film about the start of the internet porn industry, this sure was boring.

It was a fairly interesting story, and I'm very curious to know which parts most closely resemble the actual story upon which the film is based.

Regardless, this movie was just boring and slow-moving, dominated heavily by Mr. Wilson's voice-over dialogue. In all honesty, I just couldn't even finish it. By the end, I didn't really even care what happened to any one of the characters. I kind of felt bad for the family of Mr. Harris (played by Mr. Wilson), but otherwise, it's just hard to really give a shoot about any of it.

The most entertaining part of watching this film came when Matt finally got home. I was in the other room watching a scene, one of many in which Giovanni Ribisi runs around screaming at someone. I had just written down in my notebook, "Ribisi is pretty annoying. Sounds like Jeremy Piven." Moments later Matt calls out from the other room, "Is that Jeremy Piven? Who's talking right now?"  Hilarious. Wasn't just me.

Anyways, check it out if you want. I guess you could do worse...

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  1 out of 5 stars
If you can stomach it, go for it....

Up next...and LASTLY...
Death at a Funeral


Day 365

I've seen this movie twice now, and I'd have to say I appreciated it even more after my second viewing. It probably won't change your life, but I found it surprisingly...effectual.

There's a lot of great sub-plots at work, the least of which involves the ever-elusive, ever-present Bigfoot. I think perhaps there could have been something more, something deeper. Even so, it's a good effort and a fairly entertaining film.

Again, Mr. Wilson proves that he's more than a supporting actor. With a decent script and good supporting cast, he is a capable actor. Or maybe that's the coffee talking... Nah, I stand by it.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 3 out of 5 stars
I'd suggest grilled cheese and tomato soup. Seems like a rainy-day kind of movie...

Up next...
Middle Men

Henry Poole is Here

Day 365
Henry Poole is Here

This movie was tough to watch. It is fortunately uplifting, and perhaps if I'd seen it under a different set of circumstances, as a person with different life experiences, it may have resonated more deeply with me. I've heard from multiple people that they've really appreciated this film.

Personally, I'll all about hope, and so is this movie. While it still felt a little too sappy for my liking, I can't really disagree with hope or positiveness in the face of difficult circumstances.

I think this is the sort of movie that would really divide an audience. It might just be for you. It might not.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 2 out of 5 stars
Probably better save the sandwich for later...

Up next...

Blonde Ambition

Day 365
Blonde Ambition

I believe 'trite' is the word.

Country girl goes to the 'big city,' blah-blah-blaaaaaah.

As my mother might say, 'What a waste of resources.' (Ha! What would she say about this blog??)

Half of me wants to believe Mr. Wilson accepted this role just for the chance to hang with Mr. Willie Nelson.

Yeah...Let's just go with that.

Not only did this film reunite us yet again with Mr. Andy Dick, but it's also just pretty much terrible.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: *fart noise* out of 5 stars
Just run away...

Up next...
Henry Poole is Here

3:10 to Yuma

Day 365
3:10 to Yuma

It was with great regret that I did not manage to watch this again recently for the sake of this blog. I definitely saw this in the theatre when it was first released and enjoyed it immensely. Love, love, love Christian Bale. Russell Crowe, on the contrary, has never been one of my favorites, but damned if he doesn't work out just perfectly in this flick.

I don't think I need to tell any of you that this is a great film. Again, my apologies that I haven't watched it more recently in order to provide more interesting insight, but...so far as memory serves, this is well worth a view (or two).

"But don't take my word for it!..."

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  5 out of 5 stars
Hmm...borderline sandwich-appropriateness. Use discretion.

Up next...
Blonde Ambition

Note:  You may have noticed that we're skipping 'Battle for Terra.' Not only is this an animated film, but Mr. Wilson is listed as the second to last cast member on imdb.com. He's on the second page. Um, we just don't have that kind of time...

"I bet this gets the honeymooners in the mood..."

For the record, this blogging is currently going down live at Henry's. Live! So exciting, right?!

Anyways, the clock ticks on...

Day 365

Let me preface this post by admitting that I do not--I repeat--do NOT do 'scary movies.'

I have trouble with people just sneaking up behind me! Seriously. It's a game. People, (my family), delight in quietly walking up behind me while I'm seated at a desk. I startle so very, very easily. Thus, the idea of purposefully watching something that by all means is meant to scare the pee out of me is just not terribly appealing. At all.

But I watched Vacancy, and I didn't hate it. I'm not sure that I liked it, either, but I thought it was well-done. I thought it was legitimately scary. I thought it plausible, which surely made it all the more frightening. Honestly, as I think back on it now, I'm confusing it very much with the film Identity....

Anyways, that aside, this film was satisfying. It had the main premise supplemented by the complications of a sub-plot. Perhaps it was still a bit basic, but...it was manageable for someone like me. Generally, I approved.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 3 out of 5 stars
Sandwiches could double as defense against any who would dare sneak-up on me mid-movie...

Up next...
3:10 to Yuma

"Who'd like to talk about Chlamydia?"

Day 365
Blades of Glory

Frankly, I think this is a rare miss by Mr. Ferrell. Really not up to par.

In fact, my favorite part might have been Mr. Wilson's unexpected and all-too-brief cameo as Taylor, the 'sex class counselor.'

There are certainly some laughs to be had, but again, not so great. If you're into the slap-stick comedy of Mr. Ferrell and his gang, check it out for sure, but be warned;  it could be better.

And frankly, I like watching figure skating! I do love that they managed to get Scott Hamilton in on the joke, though. 

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  2 out of 5 stars
I've said it before, but it bears repeating:  as many sandwiches as you can carry...

Up next...

"No, you're not supposed to eat those..."

Day 365 
You Kill Me

This flick was a fairly clever story about a retired Russian hit-man who's been sent to the coast, out of the family business, until he gets cleaned-up. Mr. Wilson plays his trusty AA sponsor. (I think...)

Ok, I admit, I watched this one a while ago...

I remember it was clever, but I also remember thinking Mr. Wilson's role wasn't explored to its full potential. Ben Kingsley is a convincing mobster, and the interplay between the two was lovely, but I remember just wanting more out of the film than it managed to deliver.

It was not a bad movie, but not terribly memorable either, apparently. However, one scene that sticks out most markedly in my mind is when Mr. Kingsley's 'Frank' attempts to clear his walkway of snow with the help of a bottle of vodka (in Buffalo, NY, before moving out to the cost, obviously). Standing at the start of the path, he takes a healthy swig from the bottle, then tosses it out in to the snow before him. He shovels until he reaches the bottle again. He then takes a couple more pulls before tossing the bottle down the path to shovel towards it once more...

Helluva way to shovel...

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  2 out of 5 stars
Maybe add some extra bread to that sandwich to soak up the booze?

Up next...
Blades of Glory


Day 365

Ok. Apparently this movie is excellent, because I can't get a hold of a copy anywhere. It's gone from the library, from my video rentals stores of choice, and Netflix would have come too late. I give up. Children everywhere must be relishing this story about owls or whatever.

I refuse to consider this a failure.

Let's call it an extension. I'll watch it someday?

I tried, but we've got to move on. The clock is ticking...

Up next...
You Kill Me

"Welcome to Costco. I love you."

Day 365


This movie feels alarmingly plausible.

Its depiction of our future world is surely exaggerated and comical for the sake of being watchable and entertaining, but 'alarming' is definitely the correct word. You could maybe throw in 'unsettling,' as well. It's also just down right pessimistic.

But it's not all 'gloom and doom.' As I said, there are some genuinely humorous moments (i.e. Andrew Wilson as 'Beef Supreme'). I'd have to say I'm a pretty big fan of Mike Judge and this movie did not let me down.

If nothing else, its attempt to explore what our future may entail, should we all give in to our worst weaknesses/habits as a populace, makes for good post-viewing debate. Again, I think it's pessimistic in assuming the worst possible outcomes of our current path as a society, but better to contemplate these things now, right?

Truly, I think the ending embodies a really great message, as well. I don't mean to get too preachy or cheesy here, but I honestly believe that we cannot, and should not, just stand by while things deteriorate around us...whatever that may mean. Maybe I'm just saying we should put a greater emphasis on education and participation in our society.  Maybe I'm just saying we shouldn't throw in the towel when things look a little bleak. Maybe be a little proactive? After all, "there's no problem, only solutions..."

Yeah, we'll leave it at that.

Check this one out. Certainly a bit 'low-brow,' but thought-provoking, none the less.

Oh, I also can't let this go without mentioning that 'Bob' (aka Robert Musgrave) also makes an appearance at the beginning of this film.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  4 out of 5 stars
This movie left me far too nauseated to even consider a sandwich....

Up next...
You Kill Me

"I'm still just kind of wondering what the hell happened..."

Day 364
My Super Ex-Girlfriend

I'm just gonna go ahead and say straight away that this is certainly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Just awful. (Ok, still not as bad as Bad Seed. Like that's sayin' a whole lot...).

I don't blame Mr. Wilson's lack of 'leading-man'-skills, a crime for which he has too often been accused. I believe he's fully capable (see The Wendell Baker Story) of carrying a movie. Rather, I believe the true culprit here is the sorry excuse for a script and the lamentable execution of what could have been a remotely interesting, or at least funny and entertaining story.

There is very little, if anything, interesting, funny or entertaining about this film. It's mostly just sort of unsettling. Uma Thurman just flounders. Or rather, she embodies to a 'T' the awful part for which she has been cast. Even Rainn Wilson and Eddie Izzard can't save this film. It amazes me that films like this one are ever even funded, let alone made and released for consumption.

To repeat, once more for emphasis:  just awful.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  0 out of 5 stars. 
Throwing a sandwich at the person nearest you would without a doubt be much more entertaining than actually watching this movie...

Up next...


"I'm very sorry to be here right now."

Day 364
Mini's First Time

I first saw this movie on that glorious channel called Lifetime. I dare say I even liked it.

It's creepy. It's off-color. It is less than heart-warming. I'm not sure how I'd really describe it. Maybe a 'coming-of-age-meets-murder-plot-gone-wrong?'

But it's got Alec Baldwin AND...wait for it...Jeff Goldblum. So, it could be a whole lot worse.

Luke Wilson plays the only decent human being in the entire film, and quite well, too.  He truly is a great supporting actor, and I mean that in the most complimentary sense.

Truthfully, I found this one pretty entertaining, but I think it's the sort you've just got to see for yourself.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  3.5 out of 5 stars (an extra .5 for Mr. Baldwin and Goldblum, tehe)
Why stop at sandwiches when you could seductively eat a popsicle?  

Up next...
Hoot (if I can find it before midnight tomorrow, that is...)

"Meredith, don't quit! C'mon!..."

Day 364
The Family Stone

This is one of the few of Mr. Wilson's movies that I saw in the theatre. It remains one of my very favorites of all his films.

Admittedly, though, a good portion of it is just painful for me to watch. It does not shy away from awkwardness, from gritty honesty. It's like Meet the Parents, but on a much more emotional, more realistic level. It's still very comedic and clever in its own right, but certainly a different brand than the Stiller/DeNiro dynamic. 

This is all precisely why I like it. As far as 'holiday movies' go, this one seems remarkably substantial.

I love the interactions among the family members. I love the intermittent sign language. It all seems quite genuine and natural. As a person with a fairly large family, it makes me long for holidays with my siblings. 

There's also just no chance I can watch this movie without tearing-up. Surely this is a further testament to the film's success. It's funny and entertaining, but it's got heart.

For Mr. Wilson's part, I have to add 'Ben Stone' to the list of my all-time favorite Luke Wilson characters. He's kind, blunt, charming and adorable. And (***spoiler***) am I not at least the slightest bit pleased that he ends up with the Meredith-character by the film's end? :)

In any case, I know it's sappy, but I really love this film. Maybe check it out this Christmas, if you're in to that sort of thing. 

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  5 out of 5 stars
You might nearly spit out or choke on your sandwich a time or two. Use caution...

Up next...
Mini's First Time


"Don't call me dude, bro!"

Day 361
The Wendell Baker Story

There is just a whole lot of Wilson going on in this movie.

For starters, this film was actually written by Luke Wilson. If that isn't enough, he and eldest brother, Andrew, also directed it. To round it out, Owen Wilson plays opposite of Luke as his unscrupulous employer. (Imagine an 'Evil Dignan'...). According to those in the know, even his aptly-named dog, Brother, appears in the film as 'Junior.'

The youngest Wilson plays the title role of Wendell Baker, and quite well, too. He appears naturally well-suited for the part and obviously should be, considering he wrote it. In any case, he did well with the writing and acting as it seems a very good fit for him.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty darn good movie, too. It's fun. It's entertaining. It's good for some laughs and it's a decent story. (Speaking of laughs, LOVED Will Ferrell's turn as 'Dave'). It feels distinctly Texan, which I suppose is either a good thing or bad thing, depending on how you feel about Texas...

My only real criticism is that it occasionally felt a little too hokey. A little too posed to the point of appearing almost a little 'Disney'-esque at times. The story itself is obviously a little unrealistic, though, so it only makes sense that they take some liberties here and there.

All the same, it did feel mildly heavy-handed at times. I think the intention was to give some credit to the acting veterans who appear in the film (ex: Seymour Cassel, Harry Dean Stanton). Perhaps moreso, an attempt in general to convey the notion that there is much we can learn from those who have gone before us. Certainly not a bad message...

This movie was also just genuinely pretty at times. There are more than a few shots that are simply very lovely.

Lastly, I just have to add, I was really pleased with myself for recognizing 'Bob,' (aka Robert Musgrave), of Bottle Rocket-fame, playing the part of the motorcycle cop in this film. Even with the sunglasses and helmet, he was all but unmistakable to me. I just adore that man's voice.

Truly, I think this was a great effort and an entertaining flick. Check it out, as I highly doubt you've ever even heard of it...

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 4 out of 5 stars
Perhaps a barbequed sandwich and a cold beer would pair well with this one...

Up next...
The Family Stone


"I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story..."

Day 360


Say what you will, but I can't not finish this. I've come too far. And a year-long joke-of-a-blog is never something to take lightly. I will finish.

As it stands we have 16 films left to go. That's approximately 24 hours of film to watch. About 3.2 movies to be watched every day for the next 5 days.

This is officially about to get even more ridiculous...


"If I had to guess, I'd say--female."

Day 357
Anchorman:  The Legend of Ron Burgundy

There is just so, so much to say about this film. ("PANDA WATCH!")

When television trailers first began advertising Anchorman, I recall that I was dying to see it, solely because of the lead character's dog, shown in the preview wearing pajamas and headgear. Not to mention the fact that this lead character was played by Will Ferrell. ("The human torch was denied a bank loan.")

Little did we know how very quickly and easily this film would exceed our low expectations. ("It's science...")

To this day, Anchorman consistently makes me laugh out loud. And the frequency at which we find its most memorable lines applicable to daily conversation is both alarming and absolutely fantastic. ("Oh my god, you did!")

The script and premise are wonderful, but surely the casting, too, is perfection. The ad-libbing, the facial expressions and physical comedy at work throughout, the ridiculousness of the whole entire damn thing just leaves this woman in a fit of giggles. ("Knights-of-Columbus, that hurt!")

I'm also very glad Luke Wilson made the cut for this film, if for no other reason than that I get to include it in this blog. He's perfectly lovely and silly as the 3rd place-ranked news-team leader, Frank Vitchard. And is it just me, or is he really going for Clint Eastwood with the "Oh yeah? Well, you're about to be in... dead place!"-line?

Be warned that the DVD release is most often not the same as the theatrical version. It's typically the noticeably less-funny 'un-rated' version. I highly recommend seeking out the rated theatrical version when at all possible. ("It's the pancake breakfast. We do it every month...")

I know I'm not really doing it justice here, but suffice it to say, I just completely, shamlessly, adore this movie. ("She's really great.")

So, when in Rome...

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  5 out of 5 stars
Maybe skip the sandwich and try three fingers of Glenlivet with a little bit of pepper, and some cheese...

Up next...
The Wendell Baker Story


"Rules are made to be broken. Or stabbed by a spike-y shoe."

Day 355
Around the World in 80 Days

This movie was remarkably watchable. Certainly you have to consider that it was meant for children, but it is entertaining, none the less. It manages to remain a focused, fairly intelligible story without taking itself too seriously. Even the accompanying animation shorts, which serve as chapter markers throughout the film, are pretty effective and interesting

Steve Coogan delivers some genuinely entertaining moments (see the blog post title quote), as does Jackie Chan. Personally, I am just a sucker for Mr. Chan's fight sequences. They're obviously highly-choreographed, but always so clever and creative.

I knew nothing about the book upon which the film is based. From the little research I did, it sounds like the film is quite a ways off on several parts. The inaccuracy most relevant to this blog was the addition of the characters Orville and Wilbur Wright, played by Luke and Owen Wilson, respectively. Not only do they randomly appear in the middle of the desert driving a horse-drawn wagon, (presumably not in N. Carolina or Ohio), but there seems to have been no mention at all of the Wright Brothers in Mr.Vernes' actual story. These characters do at least figure in to the movie's plot towards the end, though.

I was truly, pleasantly surprised and entertained by this film. It's silly and inaccurate, and probably not for everyone, but thankfully it really wasn't so bad.

MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING:  3 out of 5 stars
Someone should really invent a sandwich or drink, or something, called 'The Phileas Fogg'...

Up next...
Anchorman:  The Legend of Ron Burgundy