Anyways, the clock ticks on...
Day 365
Let me preface this post by admitting that I do not--I repeat--do NOT do 'scary movies.'

But I watched Vacancy, and I didn't hate it. I'm not sure that I liked it, either, but I thought it was well-done. I thought it was legitimately scary. I thought it plausible, which surely made it all the more frightening. Honestly, as I think back on it now, I'm confusing it very much with the film Identity....
Anyways, that aside, this film was satisfying. It had the main premise supplemented by the complications of a sub-plot. Perhaps it was still a bit basic, was manageable for someone like me. Generally, I approved.
MERE'S OFFICIAL RATING: 3 out of 5 stars
Sandwiches could double as defense against any who would dare sneak-up on me mid-movie...
Up next...
3:10 to Yuma
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